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Release and Let It Flow

Release the need to think and think and think...release the need to control...release your clenched fists and OPEN to the water...easy, soft, and comforting...abundant, free.  Let the energy and surrender...keep keep keep the energy flowing.  Let the mind rest...even when the hands are open and you are relaxing the energy is flowing so beautifully.  Open your heart, let the love flow, see the love, BE the love, and it will all flow.  It doesn't have to be the way you think.  Don't think so much.

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Your Universe

You are Divinity, turn the lights off outside and go within, no, not into your mind, but into your heart. Live, breathe, and BE in this freeing space of all that you are. The frequency of peace, love, and neutrality. This is where your Universe and all of your answers lie.  

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It All Starts With You

It will never be a perfect time to start.  At least that's what I've found over time.  It's scary, too.  The idea of pushing your limits, of being creative, of being rejected...but you have to do it for you.  Regardless of those feelings.  Those low vibrational feelings.  Trust your intuition and think about your why.  Trust yourself.  That's the most important of all.  This post is short and sweet, but it's really just to say that.  You have all the answers, strength, courage, and guidance within yourself.  It all starts with you.

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